Are we ready to stop saying dogs are a man’s best friend and ready to admit what we know to be true? Dogs are everyone’s best friend! Dogs are becoming a more human part of our families as generations progress. Millennials have become the largest pet-owning generation; more than half of them own pets. We can only expect each generation after them to evolve even further into pet-parenthood.
As a millennial myself, I can attest to the fact that the most important thing in my life is my dog. Ever since her arrival, it has been my sole mission to make sure this dog has an amazing life. I want her to only experience love and happiness, to never have to be alone, and to have anything her little heart desires. So, how does that translate into home?
As pet ownership continues its ascent into the majority of American homes, our home styles and functionality are evolving to accommodate. We want to make our pet’s lives as amazing as possible, but we also want our homes to not necessarily reflect that. So, the next question is – what are millennials doing in their homes to accommodate their dogs? Here are 5 examples of luxury pet accommodations that you can add into your home too!
Custom Dog Washing Station
Have you ever been to a pet store or center that offers dog washing stations and thought to yourself “this is amazing!”. They are installed at the perfect height to comfortably wash your pup. They have detachable hoses for versatile usability, and they are a comfortable place for your pup to relax while being pampered with a fresh wash. Now, people are installing these in their homes! Becoming the most recent of mudroom must-haves, custom dog baths are where it’s at!
Built-in Dog Bowls
To take luxury pet accommodations one step further, it is now an option to install custom pet bowls into your cabinetry. This is such a fantastic idea and really should have been though of sooner. It alleviates the mess, how cumbersome the bowls can be, and it keeps your pet’s living space aesthetic. Some custom pet bowls even feature a “pot filler”, alleviating the need to carry a bowl full of water from sink to ground. This is some serious luxury living.
Built-in Dog Crate
Animal crates can be cumbersome, and really unattractive. They can be obtrusive in your space and are usually undesirable by both you and your pet. Now, the unsavory aesthetic of your animal crate can be alleviated by installing a built-in solution either to your cabinetry, mudroom, or furniture. This make your animal’s crate easier on the eyes, and gives them a special place to hang their hats.
Built-in Pet Bed
To take things one step further, people are installing custom built-in dog beds to their furniture and cabinetry. This creates a warm and inviting space for your pet to relax that is both out of the way, and pretty to look at. We have finally figured out a way to integrate luxury pet living into the aesthetic of our homes, and this is a great example of how!
Built-in Dog House
The real cherry on top of this post is built-in dog houses! That’s right- houses! Millennials are really running wild with their out-of-this-world pet accommodations by building custom homes for their pets. A common location for custom dog houses is under the stairs of the house. People are removing the wall, making a cozy little den, and decorating the outside like an actual doghouse. Now your pets are really living with custom bathing, built-in cafeterias, a cozy place to sleep, and even their own custom homes!
I know that as I renovate my own home, I will certainly be integrating some of these luxuries into our living space. If you know me, you know Margot, and you know she deserves everything this world has to give her, so she will be living in style with her own custom living quarters as well. After all, she is our best friend and we want the best for our friends, don’t we?
©2025 little green house interior co | site credit Karima Creative | copy credit black diamond copy co
Love all of these ideas! So fresh and yet so practical
Love this 🐕