Little Green House Interiors Co. is quickly approaching its one-year anniversary from launch. It has been a fast year, but a lot of lessons have been quickly learned. As I approach my one-year anniversary, I am just about to wrap up a complete rebrand of LGH. You may be asking yourself why already? Why now? I’ll tell you why..
How Little Green House Interiors was named
I knew I wanted to start an interior design business for an entire year before I did. But what was standing in my way? It may sound silly, but I take names very seriously. Business names, animal names, and people names! Names are a big deal, and they are something you are bound to for years or even life. Any time I have ever had to name anything, I waited for the name to come to me naturally and it always did, and it was always perfect. Sometimes it came to me in a dream, others it would be a thought or an image that would inspire the perfect name. This time, it was not happening. Day in and day out I would rack my brain thinking of all the different things I could call myself.
After putting a good year of thought into this, I found it to be ridiculous. Was I really going to let a name hold me back? I am a no excuses, driven person so it was hard for me to fathom how much time I had wasted on thinking of the perfect business name. So, one night I finally said to my husband, “I am so frustrated, I am about to just call my business Little Green House because we live in a little green house and that is where I’ll be working.” Then I paused for a minute and so did he. It felt right. And so, I became Little Green House Interiors.
I hired the best of the best to create my logo, and I found an affordable web designer on thumbtack, and I moved forward with my branding. To be honest, I didn’t really have any direction at this time. I just knew I wanted to hit the ground running. I had no idea who my target audience was, what type of work I wanted to do, or how I wanted to execute it. I just knew I wanted to hit the ground running, and I did.
Trouble in Paradise
It wasn’t until working with various clients and getting experience in different directions that I started to establish my path. Day by day it became clearer, and my vision got stronger. Eventually there became a disconnect between my branding and that vision and that became clear one day when a client from an hour away reached out to me. She wanted me to come out to her house to select paint color and she was willing to pay $50 for it. She decided what it would cost, not me. When I explained to her that I would not be able to drive an hour and spend an hour in her home and then drive back an hour for $50 and that perhaps consulting virtually would be a better option, she ghosted me. Then, there were several other experiences like it. I knew that this was not what I wanted.
The problem here is that I never defined my target audience. Because I hadn’t established who that audience was, I wasn’t trying to reach them. I had done my website inexpensively, written my own copy, and put myself on thumbtack to reach new clients. When I decided to assess why I wasn’t reaching the right clientele, I started looking at websites and web presence of other designers in my area and the problem became clear. I needed to revamp my website. I knew that I would have to eventually, but I was hoping to at least get some more time out of my initial website. I started researching web designers on Instagram and that is when I found Karima Creative.
The Rebrand
Karima was the very first web designer who showed in my search on Instagram. I went right to her website and was instantly sold. To be honest, a new website wasn’t really in my budget, but I felt that this was such a major necessity, so I made it work. And when you find someone who does quality work and you want what they offer bad enough, let me tell you, you’ll make it work. Her work was incredible. I fell in love with the way she designs entire brands, and her testimonials were out of this world. I booked a discovery call right then and the next morning, I talked with Karima. Although I absolutely loved my original logo, while I was investing in a new website, I wanted to invest in an altogether rebrand. Especially because I am still in my first year, before I strongly establish my name, I want to create an entire cohesive brand – more than a logo.
After speaking with Karima, she then recommended me to Becca Martin, owner of Black Diamond Copy Co. to do my copy writing. Once I researched Becca and found that she and Karima worked together on many websites and read their testimonials and the results they delivered to their clients, I was blown away. I was sold, and it wasn’t a hard sell at all. Not only was I sold, I was so. freaking. excited. to work with both of them.
Once I had signed both Karima and Becca, I started working on my processes within Little Green House Interiors. Karima’s client process was so impressive and efficient and certainly added to the enjoyment and excitement of working with her. I wanted to create this for my clients as well, so I used her process as inspiration to revamp my own.
I had hired an attorney to write all of my contracts and legal documents, and I became Little Green House Interiors Co. officially. The “Co.” was added out of legal necessity to show that I am an established LLC, but then I actually started to love the “Co.”. I started working with Honeybook, (which was who Karima used) for managing my projects, and I created very effective and streamlined processes in which I guide my clients through their renovations and builds.
The Takeaway
These last few months have been so transforming for myself and my business, and I am just so grateful for all that I have learned and for the opportunity to apply those lessons to my own business in creating unforgettable experiences for my own clients. Since I have been using these new processes with new clients, I have received amazing feedback, and everyone has been really excited and happy to work with me.
So, I like to consider the past year as my “soft launch” and my rebrand as the official launch of Little Green House Interiors Co. If you’re new here, welcome. It is going to be a fun ride, and I’m glad to have you here.
©2025 little green house interior co | site credit Karima Creative | copy credit black diamond copy co